

create customer reach

Brainstorming sessions point to a simple reality: The mobile and social Web has changed how companies interact with customers. The "look-ahead" conversation can risk missing the important, engaging business opportunities. The risk is being to cautious.

The mobile Internet is powerful. Businesses can reach customers at the ultimate decision point - shopping, buying, installing, using, fixing, criticizing, or bragging about your product.

Is this a leap into the unknown? It isn't if you make a lasting impact.

Think like a customer. 

Focus on the customer conversation to ignite the spark of possibilities. What used to be optional social features are no longer optional. Share activity and locations to better recognize customer engagement. Be part of the product experience to think more like a customer. Get a sense of positive and negative sentiments. See the opportunity to provide your influence by responding to relevant social network comments and customer reviews.

Deliver the messages that motivate your commitment to your product. This fortifies your customers' commitment as well.