

re-refined oil

The future of motor oil may already be here. With the push for America to be less dependent on foreign sources of oil and to help with a cleaner, safer environment, Universal Lubricants has developed the re-refined motor oil system.

Universal Lubricants Refinery

A non-renewable resource is now renewable. The old motor oil is collected and the re-refining process removes worn-out additives and other impurities to leave a clear, high-based Group base II oil. New additives are introduced to create the Eco Ultra products.

This improves engine performance and is better for our environment.

In November of 2013 the results were released on the use of Eco Ultra Motor Oil in Las Vegas taxi cabs. The 150,000 mile test showed improved wear protection.

You may wish to consider using Eco Ultra in your vehicle.

Buy Eco Ultra on Amazon.